拒絕謠言:OpenAI 沒說新模型提價


OpenAI 考慮將訂閱價格提高至每月 2000 美元

消息來源自 The Information,是我長期訂閱的,這篇消息看過。


在 OpenAI 的早期內部討論中,一位直接瞭解這些數字的人表示,訂閱價格最高可達每月$2,000,儘管目前還沒有最終確定。我們對最終價格會那麼高表示懷疑。


流言的原文,來自 The Info 的報導:《OpenAI Considers Higher Priced Subscriptions to its Chatbot AI; Preview of The Information’s AI Summit》


題頭圖,Photo via Getty, from The Information


In early internal discussions at OpenAI, subscription prices ranging up to $2,000 per month were on the table, said one person with direct knowledge of the numbers, though nothing is final. We have strong doubts the final price would be that high.

And more-advanced models such as Strawberry and Orion may be more expensive to train and run than prior models. For instance, we’ve reported that, when given additional time to think, the Strawberry model can answer more complicated questions or puzzles than OpenAI’s current models can. That additional thinking, or processing time, could mean more computing power—and, therefore, more costs. If that’s the case, OpenAI may want to pass along some of the costs to customers.



在 OpenAI 的早期內部討論中,一位直接瞭解這些數字的人表示,訂閱價格最高可達每月$2,000,儘管目前還沒有最終確定。我們對最終價格會那麼高表示懷疑。

更先進的模型,如草莓和獵戶座,可能比之前的模型更昂貴,訓練和運行成本更高。例如,我們已經報導過,給予更多時間思考,草莓模型可以回答比 OpenAI 當前模型更複雜的問題或謎題。這額外的思考或處理時間可能意味著更多的計算能力,因此也意味著更多的成本。如果情況如此,OpenAI 可能希望將部分成本轉嫁給客戶。



