奧斯卡:現在專注於海港隊 合適的時機再考慮未來



Hey everyone 👋, I‘ve seen some incorrect stories circulating about me。 Just to set the record straight:

I‘m all in 💯 with my team and have nothing but love ❤️ for Shanghai and the fans who support me here! Looking forward to an amazing season with my teammates 🤝。 My future? I’ll think about that when the time is right。 For now, my focus is here! ⚽️🏆


我的心💯在我愛的球會,並深愛著上海和這裏的球迷❤️期待與我的隊友們一起在這個賽季續寫輝煌🤝 我的未來?在合適的時候會再作考慮。現在,我的專注都在這裏!⚽️🏆
