【商業智慧】HKTVmall創辦人王維基:我從來不靠好多錢起家,只要公司文化好,一千人都可以打贏一萬人 HKTVmall Founder Ricky Wong shares the importance of company culture over money: a thousand people can beat ten thousand

HKTVmall創辦人王維基曾言道:「我從來不靠好多錢起家,只要公司文化好,一千人都可以打贏一萬人。」 這句話不僅道出了他成功的秘訣,也說明了建立良好企業文化非常重要。即使香港電視於2013年面對免費電視牌照申請落空,並裁員320人,他仍然被員工稱為好老闆,員工甘願與他共同進退。全因他成功建立了一個融洽的工作環境,讓員工們感受到被尊重和信任,從而營造了上下一心的氛圍。





Founder of HKTVmall, Ricky Wong, once said, “I didn’t start with a lot of money, but with a good company culture, a thousand people can beat ten thousand.” This statement not only reveals his secret to success but also emphasises the importance of establishing a positive corporate culture. Despite Hong Kong Television’s failed application for a free TV licence in 2013, resulting in the layoff of 320 employees, Wong was still regarded as a good boss by his staff. His employees were willing to stand by him through thick and thin because he successfully built a harmonious working environment where they felt respected and trusted, fostering a united atmosphere.

Ricky Wong not only cared about his employees’ compensation but also focused on creating an atmosphere conducive to employee creativity. He was hands-on in everything he did, not just sitting in an office and giving orders. He attended meetings in person, exchanged ideas with employees, encouraged them to express their own opinions, and stimulated creative thinking. He accepted employees’ opinions as long as they were persuasive, regardless of their rank. If his proposed ideas were met with opposition, he would not force subordinates to comply.

Ricky Wong believes that establishing trust is the key to influence, and using power to force subordinates is not a long-term effective management strategy. Therefore, he managed with respect, honesty, and encouragement, making his employees feel valued, and thus actively contributing to the company.

In addition to his management style, Wong was willing to increase employee salaries, distribute bonuses to laid-off employees, along with thank-you letters, making them feel valued. As he won his employees’ gratitude and support, further promoting a harmonious corporate culture in Hong Kong Television.

Establishing a positive corporate culture can give companies a competitive edge and make employees feel respected and recognized. Wong’s successful management style provides valuable insights for other companies. A good corporate culture can drive the entire team forward, even during difficult times, fostering unity.


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